In IAS Mains Exam, General Studies Paper 4 (Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude) cater to Emotional Intelligence, Human Attitude, Probity in Governance, and Foundational Values in Civil Services. To understand the application-based nature of the paper, the present study guide by Arihant, which has been revised on the basis of the latest pattern of civil services, serves the purpose well. It contains case studies to develop a clear understanding of the ethical issues that a public servant often confronts while in service.
- Solved Papers (2024-2020)
- 7 Units
- Case Studies
- Glossary
- Advanced Contemporary Case Studies
- Detailed explanation for issues related to Ethics & Integrity
- Coverage of Moral Philosophy through various Philosophers of India and the World
- Special exam-oriented structure in accordance with the UPSC syllabus
- Discussion of the theoretical concepts with contemporary examples
- Unitwise exam pattern questions based on UPSC pattern
- Case studies, Glossary, and Advanced Contemporary Case Studies have been given at the end
- New case studies with solutions have been added while taking into account case studies which were asked in GS Paper-4
- New case studies have been added according to the new feedback
- ‘Topic lives and teachings of great personalities’ in the first unit have been revised thoroughly
- Complete restructuring of Unit 5 has been done to make it more useful for students
- Most of the topics in Units 6 & 7 have been either restructured or rewritten which has increased their utility from the exam point of view
- Solved paper of 2024 has been added
Solved Papers (2024-2020), Unit 1- Ethics and Human Interface, Unit 2- Attitude, Unit 3- Aptitude & Foundational Values for Civil Services, Unit 4- Emotional Intelligence, Unit 5- Moral Thinkers and Philosophers from India and World, Unit 6- Public/Civil Services Values and Ethics in Public Administration, Unit 7- Probity in Governance, Case Studies, Glossary, Advanced Contemporary Case Studies
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