
Arihant 29 Years’ UPSC Civil Services IAS Prelims Chapterwise-Topicwise Solved Papers 1 & 2 (1995 – 2023) Hindi | General Studies & CSAT |

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  1. Provides Previous Years’ Papers from 1995-2023
  2. Structured in a Chapterwise-Topicwise manner
  3. Proper reference to the previous years’
  4. Detailed explanation with updated facts in each question
  5. 5 Years’ Trend analysis and Preparation strategy
  6. Topicwise MAINS questions (Essay & GS I, II, III, IV) for practice
  7. More than 3500 revision bullets for last-minute revision
  8. UPSC (IAS) 2023 Solved Papers to analyze the exam trendTABLE OF CONTENT:

    UPSC (IAS) Solved Papers (General Studies and CSAT) 2023, Paper-1: History of India and Indian National Movement, India and World Geography, Indian Polity and Indian Economy, General Science and Technology, General Knowledge and Current Affairs, Paper-2: Comprehension, Decision Making and Problem Solving, General Mental Ability, Logical Reasoning, and Analytical Ability, Basic Numeracy, Data Interpretation, English Language Comprehension, Mains Exam PYQs (Essay, General Studies I, II, III, IV)

