Brand BooksEducart CBSE Biology Class 12 Sample Papers 2024-25 (On Latest CBSE Sample Paper of 5th Sep 2024)
50% Competency-based Q’s
Step-wise Marks Breakdown
Educart CBSE Biology Class 12 Sample Papers 2024-25 (On Latest CBSE Sample Paper of 5th Sep 2024)
Based on the CBSE Sample Paper released on 5th September 2024.
Includes sample papers based on the new analytical exam pattern.
Detailed explanations for every solution.
Includes step-wise mark breakdown table for every question.
Most likely sets of sample papers with answer booklets to prepare in an exam-like environment.
Caution points, revision maps, and related NCERT theory for concept clarity.
Why choose this book?
- New sample papers help prepare as per the revised pattern on an increased percentage of analytical questions.
₹315.00 ₹449.00
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